[squid-users] squid with ldp authentication and with squidguard based on ldp group

Ahmed Allzaeem ahmed.zaeem at netstream.ps
Sun Dec 21 18:47:18 UTC 2014

The problem is that squidguard is not filtering anything!!!


The ldp work for suthentication , I mean I can login from users in the DC ,
but all users has full permsions !!


I created group called "level2" and gave it to some users , but that users
still has full permission and not being filtered from anything !!

This is os is pfsense on freebsd



I will post config below :



Here is config

# This file is automatically generated by pfSense

# Do not edit manually !


icp_port 7

dns_v4_first off

pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

cache_effective_user proxy

cache_effective_group proxy

error_default_language en

icon_directory /usr/pbi/squid-i386/etc/squid/icons

visible_hostname pfsense

cache_mgr admin at localhost

access_log /var/squid/logs/access.log

cache_log /var/squid/logs/cache.log

cache_store_log none

sslcrtd_children 0

logfile_rotate 0

shutdown_lifetime 3 seconds

# Allow local network(s) on interface(s)

acl localnet src

forwarded_for off

uri_whitespace strip


acl dynamic urlpath_regex cgi-bin ?

cache deny dynamic

cache_mem 8 MB

maximum_object_size_in_memory 32 KB

memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF

cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA


minimum_object_size 0 KB

maximum_object_size 10 KB

offline_mode off

# No redirector configured



#Remote proxies



# Setup some default acls

acl allsrc src all

acl localhost src

acl safeports port 21 70 80 210 280 443 488 563 591 631 777 901  3128

acl sslports port 443 563  

acl manager proto cache_object

acl purge method PURGE

acl connect method CONNECT


# Define protocols used for redirects

acl HTTP proto HTTP

acl HTTPS proto HTTPS


http_access allow manager localhost


http_access deny manager

http_access allow purge localhost

http_access deny purge

http_access deny !safeports

http_access deny CONNECT !sslports


# Always allow localhost connections

http_access allow localhost


request_body_max_size 0 KB

delay_pools 1

delay_class 1 2

delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1

delay_initial_bucket_level 100

delay_access 1 allow allsrc


# Reverse Proxy settings



# Package Integration

auth_param basic program /usr/pbi/squid-i386/libexec/squid/squid_ldap_auth
-P -R -b 'dc=smart,dc=ps' -D 'cn=administrator,cn=Users,dc=smart,dc=ps' -w
'admin at 123' -f sAMAccountName=%s -h

auth_param basic children 100

auth_param basic realm heyyyyy

auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 hour

acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED

redirect_program /usr/pbi/squidguard-i386/bin/squidGuard -c

redirector_bypass off

url_rewrite_children 5


# Custom options

http_access allow password


# Setup allowed acls

# Allow local network(s) on interface(s)

http_access allow localnet

# Default block all to be sure

http_access deny allsrc





# ============================================================

# SquidGuard configuration file

# This file generated automaticly with SquidGuard configurator

# (C)2006 Serg Dvoriancev

# email: dv_serg at mail.ru

# ============================================================


logdir /var/squidGuard/log

dbhome /var/db/squidGuard

ldapbinddn cn=administrator,cn=Users,dc=smart,dc=ps

ldapbindpass admin at 123

ldapprotover 2

stripntdomain true



src zozo {


                log block.log





rew safesearch {

                s@(google..*/search?.*q=.*)@&safe=active at i

                s@(google..*/images.*q=.*)@&safe=active at i

                s@(google..*/groups.*q=.*)@&safe=active at i

                s@(google..*/news.*q=.*)@&safe=active at i

                s@(yandex..*/yandsearch?.*text=.*)@&fyandex=1 at i

                s@(search.yahoo..*/search.*p=.*)@&vm=r&v=1 at i

                s@(search.live..*/.*q=.*)@&adlt=strict at i

                s@(search.msn..*/.*q=.*)@&adlt=strict at i

                s@(.bing..*/.*q=.*)@&adlt=strict at i

                log block.log




acl  {


                zozo  {

                                pass !in-addr !blk_BL_adv !blk_BL_aggressive
!blk_BL_alcohol !blk_BL_anonvpn !blk_BL_automobile_bikes
!blk_BL_automobile_boats !blk_BL_automobile_cars !blk_BL_downloads
!blk_BL_movies !blk_BL_porn !blk_BL_sex_education !blk_BL_sex_lingerie none


                                log block.log



                default  {

                                pass !blk_BL_porn !blk_BL_searchengines
!blk_BL_sex_education !blk_BL_sex_lingerie !blk_BL_shopping none


                                rewrite safesearch

                                log block.log








Any idea why suqidguard is not blocking anything ??? 



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