[squid-users] ICAP: how to get port of X-Client-IP

Alexander Bubnov alexander.bubnov at bk.ru
Wed Dec 17 13:44:19 UTC 2014

 It works on sqiud!!!

adaptation_meta X-Client-Port %>p

Exactly as you said. Many thanks to you Amos!

I am not sure about 3.4 version but it does not matter for me.

/BR, Alexander

Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:52:00 +0300 от Alexander Bubnov <alexander.bubnov at bk.ru>:
>/BR, Alexander
>Wed, 17 Dec 2014 01:42:37 +1300 от Amos Jeffries <squid3 at treenet.co.nz>:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>On 16/12/2014 9:49 p.m., Alexander Bubnov wrote:
>>> Hello Amos! Glad to get your answer!
>>> 1. I have tried to use %>p specifier for adaptation_meta directive.
>>> But it seems does not work that way I used it. I specified it in
>>> squid.conf:
>>> adaptation_meta X-CLIENT-SRCPORT %>p
>>> I found that specifier ony in logformat. May be you mixed it up?
>>We are generalizing the logformat tokens for use anywhere custom
>>formats or strings might be configured. I was hoping that header value
>>parameter had been updated already, but it seems not.
>Excuse me. Saying updated do you mean implemented i.e. squid does not have that feature yet?
>>> 2. About mapping port transparently. How does it help to get (at
>>> least) mapped port number in ICAP?
>>I dont know. You were pretty adamant that the (ephemeral) port Squid
>>was receiving from was what you needed passed through, so I figured
>>you had a use-case for it.
>>> 3. I would like to track any software. Especially software which
>>> use "User Agent" field not  legitimately or event does not fill it
>>> at all.
>>Thats possibly the answer to your Q#2.
>>Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

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