From kinkie at Thu Dec 19 08:41:48 2024 From: kinkie at (Francesco Chemolli) Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 08:41:48 +0000 Subject: [squid-mirrors] Upcoming changes to how Squid is distributed Message-ID: Dear Squid Mirror operators, In recent months, we core developers have been leaning more and more on Github. Source repository, CI/CD, and wiki have been there for a while; we?re planning to move our releases there as well. This will help us focus more on writing code, and less on running support services and infrastructure. Among other things, this means that the services who support our mirrors network will also be shut down in the coming weeks: rsync and FTP first, but then also http distribution will move over to Github. We would like to thank you very much. For many years, your support has helped bring Squid to the people who use it. We hope you will continue supporting Squid users with advice, services, and code. -- Francesco Chemolli Squid Software Foundation