[squid-dev] Alternate origin server selection

Steve Hill steve at opendium.com
Thu Oct 28 13:24:04 UTC 2021

Various online services provide "virtual IPs" to change the way those 
services behave.  An example of this is enforcing Safe Search on Google 

Google recommend setting the network's DNS server to override the normal 
"www.google.com" domain with a replacement RR:
     www.google.com. CNAME forcesafesearch.google.com.

This causes clients making requests to www.google.com to connect to a 
specific IP address and Google will enforce Safe Search for those clients.

However, DNS changes generally affect the entire network and there is a 
requirement to apply this setting to only specific users / machines. 
Overriding DNS also relies on the clients using the correct DNS server 
and not having already cached the record from elsewhere.  It seems a 
good place to do this is in the proxy.

For non-transparently proxied traffic, the client makes a "CONNECT 
www.google.com" request, and the proxy could rewrite this to "CONNECT 
forcesafesearch.google.com" so that the connection goes to the virtual IP.

For transparently proxied traffic, the client makes a connection to 
www.google.com's IP address, which Squid intercepts.  Squid must then 
SSL-peek the request to figure out that it is connecting to 
www.google.com.  The onward connection can then be redirected to the 
virtual IP.

There is code to do this:
This allows an external ACL to record an alt-host note, or an ICAP 
server to return an X-Alt-Host header, specifying a new origin server to 
connect to.

The pull request was rejected, as it adds CVE-2009-0801 vulnerabilities.

I'm hoping for some guidance on the best way to achieve this.

Many thanks.

- Steve Hill
    Technical Director | Cyfarwyddwr Technegol
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