[squid-users] How to build Squid 6

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Sat Jul 15 02:30:56 UTC 2023

On 7/14/23 19:07, Henning Svane wrote:

> I try to find a how to build Squid 6 on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)

To build Squid v6 on Ubuntu from a source tarball with many optional 
features enabled, consider using the same commands that Squid CI tests 
are using:

     # deb-src sources are required for "apt-get build-dep" below,
     # but you may find a better way to enable them in
     # /etc/apt/sources.list, or you may already have them enabled
     sudo sed --in-place -E 's/# (deb-src.*updates main)/  \1/g' \
     sudo apt-get update

     # install various prerequisites and optional dependencies
     sudo apt-get build-dep squid
     sudo apt-get install linuxdoc-tools

     # download and unpack Squid sources; if you want a more secure
     # option, use the official git repository instead; our CI commands
     # use the git repository, not wget
     wget http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v6/squid-6.1.tar.gz
     tar -vzf squid-6.1.tar.gz

     cd squid-6.1

     # this step is not necessary when using bootstrapped sources
     # as shown by the wget command above; this step is necessary
     # if you get Squid sources from git

     # you do not have to specify --with-openssl but if you need
     # SslBump features, you should specify it (IMHO);
     # see ./configure --help for many other options
     ./configure --with-openssl

     # if you have n CPU cores available, then use "make -jn" or
     # some such to speed the build up

     # this will install Squid into default directories unless
     # you customize that during the ./configure step above
     sudo make install



> I have read the compile/build instruction on the Wiki
> Compiling Squid | Squid Web Cache wiki (squid-cache.org) 
> <https://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/CompilingSquid>
> But I am not sure to do it after read the explanation.
> I have also looked at the build “example” from the
> dockerfiles/ubuntu-jammy/Dockerfile at master · kinkie/dockerfiles · 
> GitHub 
> <https://github.com/kinkie/dockerfiles/blob/master/ubuntu-jammy/Dockerfile>
> I have searched for a how to without luck.
> So do any one know where to find a description or how to.
> Regards
> Henning
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