[squid-users] FW: Encrypted browser-Squid connection errors

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Tue Oct 25 17:03:48 UTC 2022

>On 10/25/22 10:18 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>I prefer to explicitly state what one means by transparent because 
>>RFC2616 has defined transparent proxy diferently:

On 25.10.22 10:56, Grant Taylor wrote:
>I do too.  I /thought/ that I was explicitly stating.  At least that 
>was my intention.
>Aside:  That's why I included my working definition.  So hopefully you 
>would know what I meant even if I accidentally used the wrong term.

I think intercepting is better, more precise.

>Based on the quoted sections, it seems to me like an intercepting 
>proxy is a superset of a transparent proxy.

those two are completely separate,
proxy may be intercepting and modify content (e.g. filter), including squid.

>Aside:  I've long been a fan of and preferred explicit client 
>configuration to use a proxy.

yes, especially PAC scripts are great to explicitly state what you need, 
including using socks for other than http(s)/ftp connections (direct 
smtp,imap,pop3 over socks)

>>and of course socks is generic bidiretional tcp/udp proxy, which 
>>makes it possible to implement it near over any kind of 
>Yes, SOCKS is bidirectional.  However, inbound connections through it, 
>e.g. FTP active connections, are time limited.  --  At least I'm not 
>aware of any way to have a SOCKS proxy allow inbound traffic 
>indefinitely a la. port forwarding in NAT or SSH remote port 
>forwarding (assuming the real server is the SSH client).

I guess PORT connections have to be allowed on the SOCKS server which is I'd 
say not common (can be dangerous)

passive connections are safe in case of ftp/ssl, where it's impossible to 
know for the proxy/firewall who connects where.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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