[squid-users] site opens only without ssl bump

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Fri Nov 4 12:46:39 UTC 2022

On 11/4/22 02:31, Majed Zouhairy wrote:
> with
> logformat squidx %err_code/%err_detail
> access_log xsquid
> squid stopped logging completely

Please try to follow the earlier sketch more closely: Keep your usual 
logformat codes while adding %err_code/%err_detail and keep your usual 
access_log destination when specifying the custom logformat name 
(xsquid). Use squid.conf.documented as a syntax reference for these 
directives. Always monitor cache.log (or equivalent) for important messages.

> with
> ssl_bump splice all
> now the site works

OK, so now we know that something breaks around SslBump step1. The next 
task is (still) getting %err_code/%err_detail working. If that is not 
enough, then you will also need to collect debugging logs.



>>> On 11/3/22 16:05, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>>>> On 11/3/22 05:43, Majed Zouhairy wrote:
>>>>> i have 2 proxies, one with ssl bump and one without, there is a 
>>>>> internal site that opens only on the no ssl bump proxy.
>>>>> on the ssl bump proxy it displays:
>>>> What does Squid say in access.log for this problematic request? 
>>>> Please configure Squid to log %err_code/%err_detail before answering 
>>>> this question. For example:
>>>> logformat xsquid ...your regular %codes... %err_code/%err_detail
>>>> access_log ... xsquid
>>>> Does the site works if you temporary replace your ssl_bump rules with:
>>>> ssl_bump peek all
>>>> ssl_bump splice all
>>>> Does the site works if you temporary replace your ssl_bump rules with:
>>>> ssl_bump peek tls_s1_connect
>>>> ssl_bump splice all
>>>> Alex.
>>>>> Не удается получить доступ к сайтуВеб-страница по адресу (i was 
>>>>> unable to gain access to website:) 
>>>>> https://test-auth.ias.ckko.nl/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=agoh1xHNNwaLZ65uspARyhYj7V8GTWla&state=guest&authentication=usbtoken&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fais.skko.by%2Foauth2%2Fcallback, 
>>>>> возможно, временно недоступна или постоянно перемещена по новому 
>>>>> адресу. (it is possible that it can not bbe reached or it has been 
>>>>> permanently relocated to a new address)
>>>>> the site needs special configurations to run:
>>>>> it needs a local proxy to run, avtunproxy.nl
>>>>> in the internet explorer settings:
>>>>> the second box in the proxy settings needs to be checked called the 
>>>>> "use the scenario for automatic configuration"
>>>>> in it, the proxy address is plugged
>>>>> my bump settings are as follows:
>>>>> acl     tls_s1_connect        at_step SslBump1
>>>>> acl     tls_s2_client_hello     at_step SslBump2
>>>>> acl     tls_s3_server_hello     at_step SslBump3
>>>>> # define acls for sites that must not be actively bumped
>>>>> acl     tls_allowed_hsts        ssl::server_name .akamaihd.net
>>>>> acl     tls_allowed_hsts        ssl::server_name .proxy.ckko.nl
>>>>> acl     tls_server_is_bank         ssl::server_name 
>>>>> "/usr/local/ufdbguard/blacklists/finance/domains.squidsplice"
>>>>> acl     tls_to_splice     any-of     tls_allowed_hsts 
>>>>> tls_server_is_bank
>>>>> # TLS/SSL bumping steps
>>>>> ssl_bump         peek                tls_s1_connect         # peek 
>>>>> at TLS/SSL connect data
>>>>> ssl_bump         splice                 tls_to_splice        # 
>>>>> splice some: no active bump
>>>>> ssl_bump         stare                 all                    # 
>>>>> stare(peek) at server
>>>>>                                                          # 
>>>>> properties of the webserver
>>>>> ssl_bump         bump
>>>>> contents of the 
>>>>> /usr/local/ufdbguard/blacklists/finance/domains.squidsplice file:
>>>>> .ckko.nl
>>>>> .ias.ckko.nl
>>>>> .test-auth.ias.ckko.nl
>>>>> .config.avtunproxy.nl
>>>>> .rand.avtunproxy.nl
>>>>> .avast.nl
>>>>> .dev.avast.nl
>>>>> .ncis.nl
>>>>> .cdn.nlpost.nl
>>>>> those are all the sites that are logged in on the non ssl bump 
>>>>> proxy when ias.ckko.nl is accessed
>>>>> despite all this configuration, the site does not open. in 
>>>>> ufdbguard every site from the user is a pass.
>>>>> in avtunproxy log :
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:22:17.087001 |INF| [UPDATER] [TrustFirmware] fetching 
>>>>> https://ckko.nl/upload/certificates/8.crl
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:34.634001 |ERR| [rid=ab7a9b1c9f39fb3e] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:34.635001 |INF| [rid=ab7a9b1c9f39fb3e] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 14.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:34.663001 |ERR| [rid=47fba344ff078bcf] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> read tcp> wsarecv: An existing 
>>>>> connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:34.664001 |INF| [rid=47fba344ff078bcf] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 17.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:35.723001 |ERR| [rid=3f5ccf39ef0ae021] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:35.723001 |INF| [rid=3f5ccf39ef0ae021] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 19.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:35.748001 |ERR| [rid=c48d84308d001f59] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:35.748001 |INF| [rid=c48d84308d001f59] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 12.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:35.752001 |ERR| [rid=d181037283b2a34a] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:35.752001 |INF| [rid=d181037283b2a34a] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 15.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:40.775001 |ERR| [rid=27f00eecdbe53178] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> read tcp> wsarecv: An existing 
>>>>> connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:40.775001 |INF| [rid=27f00eecdbe53178] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 19.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:40.815001 |ERR| [rid=79611bea389d7c9c] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] HTTP 500 - 
>>>>> EOF
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:40.816001 |INF| [rid=79611bea389d7c9c] 
>>>>> [addr=] [PROXY parent=proxy.ckko.nl:8080] CONNECT 
>>>>> test-oauth.ais.ckko.nl:443 -- 500 -- 14.000000 ms
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:42.188001 |INF| [rid=7a104242baf9a559] 
>>>>> [addr=] GET /static/jquery.js - HTTP 200 - OK
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:42.190001 |INF| [rid=27a7baff0fe5d70e] 
>>>>> [addr=] GET /static/bootstrap.js - HTTP 200 - OK
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:42.192001 |INF| [rid=dbddaaa3f7759903] 
>>>>> [addr=] GET /static/bootstrap.css - HTTP 200 - OK
>>>>> 2022/11/03 12:28:42.287001 |INF| [rid=7e81e98ea9c70d3f] 
>>>>> [addr=] GET /api/v2/log
>>>>> what is the solution?
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