[squid-users] SQUID refuses to listen on any TCP Port

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Thu Mar 3 14:52:22 UTC 2022

On 3/3/22 09:42, 苏 格 wrote:

> Yes, I checked the config again and I'm sure that's the config squid is 
> running with

Your Squid output suggests that you are running an SMP Squid. That, in 
turn, suggests that you suffer from an SMP/IPC communication problem.

I suggest the following triage steps:

1. Move your Squid configuration file somewhere else for safekeeping.

2. Write a new configuration file with nothing but some garbage in it. 
For example, you can put an "http_port XXX" line and nothing else. Make 
sure you get a startup error with that configuration file. No Squid 
process should be running. If your Squid still starts OK, then you are 
not using the configuration file you think you are using.

3. Start Squid from the command line, using "-N -d1 -f 
path/to/saved-configuration-file-from-item1.conf" or similar command 
line options and see if you can get your Squid to listen that way. Share 
your results.



> netstat -tnlpe|grep :3128 failed to produce any output
> Thank you for your help!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *发件人:* squid-users <squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org> 代表 
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at fantomas.sk>
> *发送时间:* 2022年3月3日 14:29
> *收件人:* squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org 
> <squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org>
> *主题:* Re: [squid-users] SQUID refuses to listen on any TCP Port
> On 03.03.22 13:56, 苏 格 wrote:
>>I tried using the default config. No difference
> are you sure there's this line in the default config?
> http_port 3128
> are you sure there's nothing listening on 3128?
> netstat -tnlpe|grep :3128
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Set Current Directory to /var/cache/squid
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version 4.17 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu...
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Service Name: squid
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Process ID 382776
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Process Roles: worker
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| With 1024 file descriptors available
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Initializing IP Cache...
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| DNS Socket created at [::], FD 5
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| DNS Socket created at, FD 8
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Logfile: opening log daemon:/var/log/access.log
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Logfile Daemon: opening log /var/log/access.log
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Store logging disabled
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Swap maxSize 0 + 262144 KB, estimated 20164 objects
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Target number of buckets: 1008
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Using 8192 Store buckets
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Max Swap size: 0 KB
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Using Least Load store dir selection
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Set Current Directory to /var/cache/squid
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| Finished loading MIME types and icons.
>>2022/03/03 21:49:17 kid1| HTCP Disabled.
>>netstat -tunpal shows
>> netstat -tunpal | grep squid
>>udp        0      0 *                           382776/(squid-1)
>>udp6       0      0 ::1:40383               ::1:50900               ESTABLISHED 382776/(squid-1)
>>udp6       0      0 ::1:50900               ::1:40383               ESTABLISHED 382776/(squid-1)
>>udp6       0      0 :::15633                :::*                                382776/(squid-1)
> -- 
> Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ 
> <http://www.fantomas.sk/>
> Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
> Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
> I don't have lysdexia. The Dog wouldn't allow that.
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