[squid-users] Squid 5.2 TCP_MISS_ABORTED/100 erros when uploading

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon Aug 29 12:26:36 UTC 2022

On 29/08/22 22:17, David Ferreira wrote:
> hi,
> First time using mailing lists, sorry about anything.

Welcome, and thanks for using Squid.

Do not worry about mistakes. Helping with that type of thing is what 
this list is here for whether expert or beginner.

> Squid 4.15:
> 26/Aug/2022:15:36:08 +0100    273 745 POST 
> http://websiteurl/index.php <http://websiteurl/index.php> - 
> HIER_DIRECT/websitedomain text/xml
> Squid 5.2:
> 25/Aug/2022:15:10:00 +0100    139 TCP_MISS_ABORTED/100 0 
> POST http://websiteurl <http://websiteurl>/index.php - 
> HIER_DIRECT/websitedomain -
> anyone has an ideia of what may be happening here?, been searching about 
> http errors 100 and so far i did not find anything that points me to the 
> problem.
> On the application side the error it shows when it tries to upload is:
> "
> Error storing the document on the server
> Detail HTTP error 100
> Send failure: Connection was aborted (55)
> "

This is very odd.

  * The "ABORTED" tag hints strongly that the client closed the 
connection here.

  * Status code "100 Continue" is a normal part of HTTP/1.1.

There is something wrong with the client application to be reporting 
that as an error code at all. Likely that bug is what triggered the abort.

  * The difference in result between Squid v4 and v5 is also extremely 
odd. I do not think handling of status 100 had any significant changes 
since the Squid-3 days.

Can you show us your config for both versions?
  Omit lines that are commented out to reduce the sizes.
  Take care to obscure private details while keeping it clear that 
detail A and B are different (eg don't use same symbol X for replacing 

Also FME, where can I/we find details of the Rocky Squid packages?


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