[squid-users] How to pass TeamViewer traffic

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Fri Oct 22 15:24:55 UTC 2021

On 10/22/21 5:38 AM, Forum User wrote:

> I need that only (securely) authenticated instances of TeamViewer can
> pass my network.

> There're four TeamViewer Proxy settings: IP/host, port, login, password.

I do not know much about TeamViewer, but I bet that it does not support
HTTPS proxies. If I am right, then the above settings are for an HTTP
proxy. Use http_port and http_access rules to accept and authenticate
this kind of traffic. TeamViewer will send a plain text HTTP CONNECT
request to Squid that Squid will authenticate. Upon successful
authentication, Squid will blindly forward anything TeamViewer (and its
servers) are saying via a TCP tunnel to TeamViewer-requested servers.

You do not need SslBump and https_port for this.



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