[squid-users] Fw: [Bug 4977] stmem.cc:98: "lowestOffset () <= target_offset" assertion when adapting Content-Range value

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Oct 2 14:22:39 UTC 2019


related to http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4977

    (In reply to Matus UHLAR - fantomas from comment #12)
    > We notice the same problem after few minutes running squid 4.6 (debian 10,
    > x86_64):
    > 2019/10/02 05:00:53 kid1| assertion failed: stmem.cc:98: "lowestOffset () <=
    > target_offset"

    (In reply to Matus UHLAR - fantomas from comment #14)
    > I would like to note that we have no SSL support and no header modification
    > besides "forwarded_for delete"

    This bug report was about adaptation (or, more precisely, new adapted message
    creation) triggering the above assertion. It sounds like your environment is
    very different -- no new messages are created. The bug may or may not be the
    same, of course.

    Can you reproduce the bug with specific message(s), on demand?

I could try to reproduce by using newer squid, hoping the customer won't get
very angry.  I would need some hints on what more to watch for and what more
to log. (debug options probably) 

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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