[squid-users] limit new req/sec on squid to X per sec

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Nov 27 11:57:12 UTC 2019

On 27/11/19 6:31 pm, --Ahmad-- wrote:
> Hello Folks ,
> im looking for limiting TCP req/sec on squid to X speed .

TCP does not make requests.

> say i have an instance running .
> i want to limit it to 100 req/sec for “new connections “ not  just for concurrent connections .

req/sec is an HTTP term to Squid. It has nothing to do with "connections".

The part where you say "not just for concurrent connections" implies
that is something Squid does, does not match up with any existing Squid
behaviour or features. Squid does not limit req/sec for anything.

Squid can limit *bytes* per second. Or limit total connections a given
client has open concurrently.

> so if connection is old or “ established “ its out of the game .

In HTTP terms there is no such thing as a connection.

In TCP terms a connection is established as soon as it exists. If you
mean the TCP handshake process, that is a thing for firewall rules to
control. Squid cannot prevent SYN packets being sent to it.

If you mean something else, then please define this concept you have of
"new connection".

> if the connection is new , all new should be limited to 100 req/sec .
> i made search on all max_conn but it seems count “concurrent sessions “ even old +  new .
> is there a way in squid to limit only new sessions ?

Sessions are a very different thing to connections.

max_conn as its name should indicate sets the maximum connection count a
client can open *concurrently*.

Why exactly do you want this?

What problem will it solve?


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