[squid-users] VoIP Software trouble

gswijker sebastiaan.wijker at sbdinc.com
Mon Jul 29 07:56:20 UTC 2019

Hello Alex,

I have upgrade the OS to Debian Linux 10 with Squid version 4.6.

The /etc/squid/squid.conf is now basic with:
http_access allow all (for testing)
dns_v4_first on
debug_option All,2

tail -f /var/log/squid/cache.log:
CONNECT clients.interact.mtel.eu:443 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Connect
Host: clients.interact.mtel.eu

2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 85,2| client_side_request.cc(752)
clientAccessCheckDone: The request CONNECT clients.interact.mtel.eu:443 is
ALLOWED; last ACL checked: all
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 85,2| client_side_request.cc(728)
clientAccessCheck2: No adapted_http_access configuration. default: ALLOW
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 85,2| client_side_request.cc(752)
clientAccessCheckDone: The request CONNECT clients.interact.mtel.eu:443 is
ALLOWED; last ACL checked: all
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(281) peerSelectDnsPaths:
Find IP destination for: clients.interact.mtel.eu:443' via
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(302) peerSelectDnsPaths:
Found sources for 'clients.interact.mtel.eu:443'
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(303) peerSelectDnsPaths:  
always_direct = DENIED
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(304) peerSelectDnsPaths:   
never_direct = DENIED
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(308) peerSelectDnsPaths:         
DIRECT = local= remote= flags=1
2019/07/29 09:50:52.762 kid1| 44,2| peer_select.cc(317) peerSelectDnsPaths:       
timedout = 0
2019/07/29 09:51:52.793 kid1| 4,2| errorpage.cc(1259) BuildContent: No
existing error page language negotiated for ERR_CONNECT_FAIL. Using default
error file.
2019/07/29 09:51:52.793 kid1| 33,2| client_side.cc(582) swanSong:
local= remote= flags=1
2019/07/29 09:51:58.822 kid1| 5,2| TcpAcceptor.cc(224) doAccept: New
connection on FD 14
2019/07/29 09:51:58.822 kid1| 5,2| TcpAcceptor.cc(317) acceptNext:
connection on local=[::]:3128 remote=[::] FD 14 flags=9
2019/07/29 09:51:58.822 kid1| 17,2| QosConfig.cc(126)
getNfmarkFromConnection: QOS: Failed to retrieve connection mark: (-1) (1)
Operation not permitted (Destination, source
2019/07/29 09:51:58.823 kid1| 11,2| client_side.cc(1319) parseHttpRequest:
HTTP Client local= remote= FD 9 flags=1
2019/07/29 09:51:58.823 kid1| 11,2| client_side.cc(1323) parseHttpRequest:

Best regards,

Sent from: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/Squid-Users-f1019091.html

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