[squid-users] squid on openwrt: aclhelper wrongly considered exited

reinerotto augustus_meyer at gmx.net
Sun Oct 14 17:17:41 UTC 2018

Running squid 4.3 on openwrt, I notice following warnings from time to time:

2018/10/14 16:36:39 kid1| WARNING: helper.sh #Hlpr2 exited
2018/10/14 16:36:39 kid1| Too few helper processes are running (need 1/5)
2018/10/14 16:36:39 kid1| Starting new helpers
2018/10/14 16:36:39 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/5 'helper.sh'

which causes a new helper process to be created.

Howver, the process considered to have exited is still alive, according to
I can kill it manually, not causing a new warning again.

Any idea, which debug level to activate, to get some more info ?
Because of limited resources, not too generous debugs, pls.

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