[squid-users] TCP FIN,ACK after ServerHelloDone with pcmag.com

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon May 28 23:44:33 UTC 2018

On 29/05/18 00:17, Ahmad, Sarfaraz wrote:
> I was wrong. It is not the remote server but Squid itself which is sending a FIN,ACK after ServerHelloDone.
> At 8 seconds, ServerKeyExchange, ServerHelloDone is received by Squid. The cipher suite looks like (ECDHE+RSA+SHA512 ,wireshark shows rsa_pkcs_sha512.)
> After about 60 more seconds (there is no activity on the wire during this period), Squid sends a FIN/ACK to the remote server effectively closing the connection.
> What debug_options should I be using for more relevant logging in cache.log ? 26,9 11,9 and 5,9 are not helping much. 

If in doubt ALL,9 has everything.

Sounds normal symptoms for a verify failure, except odd that there is
still a 60sec timeout happening. It should FIN immediately on the verify


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