[squid-users] Mozilla Devise Solution To Encrypting SNI

joseph chip_pop at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 18 19:18:02 UTC 2018

Eliezer  i agree with you with all that
there is no such a secure think for client as long as the web bug exist :)
those large link with small size or so
the main reason i think  they ar going to have more secure is to kill https
proxy so big company 
can sale there Owen prox with very expensive key im shur they start saling
that to gov or isp can handle the $$$$$ its all about mony nothing else
squid or other proxy ar like firewall in midle so its the only solution to
get rid off so they can benefit 
as you sayd   there is no such a privacy at all

***** Crash to the future  ****
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