[squid-users] Squid 4.4 + sslbump cannot open specific URL: ESI Processing failed

info at schroeffu.ch info at schroeffu.ch
Fri Dec 21 15:42:44 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I am getting the following error while opening https://www.hawesko.de with Squid 4.4 and sslbump.
Deactivate bumping makes the error disappear.

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: https://www.hawesko.de

ESI Processing failed.

The ESI processor returned:

esiProcess: Parse error at line 1:
not well-formed (invalid token)
This means that the surrogate was not able to process the ESI template. Please report this error to
the webmaster.

The only "special" thing I see is, this target website is using a wildcard certificate.

Anyone else can reproduce the issue with its squid 4.4 and sslbump?

Many Regards!

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