[squid-users] [Fwd: Re: SSL Bump for regex URL comparison]

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Nov 17 17:01:18 UTC 2017

On 18/11/17 01:45, Joe Foster wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have tried the attached but I still receive the same result.
> I have attached a screen shot to show what happens, its like there is no
> connection.

There isn't ...

> I have tried it with and without listing 3128 as a safe ssl port. I
> imagine its not needed as its generated from Squid.
> HTTPS isn't connecting, HTTP is though that's no surprise, I'm only
> diverting port 443 to port 3128.

Your port 3128 is configured to only accept plaintext HTTP traffic. It 
cannot handle the TLS on port 443 traffic.

FWIW the "ssl-bump" option does not make an http_port capable of 
receiving TLS. It just makes Squid attempt to decrypt the data tunneled 
inside plain-text CONNECT requests (if any), in accordance with the 
ssl_bump rules actions.

> There are no logs being generated so I cant find out more.

Most currently distributed Squid versions do not log connections that 
fail with no HTTP activity happening on them. Except when debugging the 
underlying TCP I/O activity.

> I can't for the life of me see what I'm doing wrong.
> Your advise if greatly received.
> Thank you
> Joe
> I have the below rule added to my firewall for the redirect:
> connection config redirect
>          option proto 'tcp'
>          option src 'lan'
>          option src_ip '!'
>          option src_dport '443'
>          option dest 'lan'
>          option dest_ip ''
>          option dest_port '3128'
>          option target 'DNAT'

NAT can only happen on the Squid machine itself. You must *route* the 
packets without any type of DNAT prior to their arrival at the Squid device.


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