[squid-users] Slow speedtest results

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Thu Nov 16 20:43:26 UTC 2017

On Thursday 16 November 2017 at 19:18:15, Evan Pierce wrote:

> Hi all
> Any idea why when using www.speedtest.net on my squid proxy ( squid
> 3.5.27 on Centos 6.9) gives consistently false/bad speeds while doing a
> speed test.

> A similarly configured squid on smaller hardware and the same service
> provider runs consistently gives an accurate speedtest (same centos and
> squid versions).

Please explain in more detail what the difference is between these two:

 - what hardware?

 - what does "similarly configured" mean - what are the differences?

 - what are the differences in reported results?

Oh, and just to be sure - are these both on the same connection, or on two 
different connections to the same provider?


I just got a new mobile phone, and I called it Titanic.  It's already syncing.

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