[squid-users] Squid 3.5 with nonblocking ecap adapter

Christof Gerber christof.gerber1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 09:20:21 UTC 2017

Hi everyone

I am working on an ecap adapter which attaches to Squid 3.5. The
adapter is going to make an external socket call which results in an
REST API call (lookup)  which will cause a delay of some milliseconds
until the response is available. As ecap is blocking I assume Squid
will be blocked during this period of time which is not desirable from
a performance point of view. Is my assumption right that squid will be
blocked until the eCAP API call returns? Is there a way other than
programming the eCAP adapter in asynchronous mode?

Thanks for your help.

Christof Gerber
Email: christof.gerber1 at gmail.com

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