[squid-users] Office 365 Support for Squid Proxy

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sat Jun 17 12:12:09 UTC 2017

On 17/06/17 22:07, Blason R wrote:
> Agree and yes even I considered that as well. This should work without 
> any issues. However since I am testing I am looking for ready-made 
> ACLs for office 365  and wanted to check every applications i.e. 
> Skype, Voice Calling and other functionalities.

It helps a lot to mention minor details like what you actually want in 
your initial message. Then you do not end up with days of waiting 5 days 
for answers to the "does it work? yes/no" stage for every piece of 
software in existence.

The answer to all of the above is that Squid is an HTTP proxy. If the 
application uses HTTP it almost certainly works with Squid in one way or 

Now you can move on to the actually important things like looking up 
whether those applications use HTTP or not (VoIP almost certainly does 
not; Skype is a mixed situation with some HTTP some non-HTTP), and 
testing the ones that do HTTP. Note that squid.conf needs to match 
*your* chosen network policy, not someone elses' policy.


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