[squid-users] RV: squid

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Fri Jun 16 12:22:59 UTC 2017


>>>AFAIK, there are currently no plans (or even strong demand) to support
>>>active FTP mode between Squid and FTP origin servers.

>On 16/06/17 22:40, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>what is ftp_passive for then?

On 16.06.17 23:49, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>For controlling how Squid gateways  "GET ftp://example.com/ HTTP/1.1" 
>requests to an FTP server. Whether it attempts PASV / EPSV mode 
>commands at all, or skips straight to the fallback "active" PORT/EPRT 

so, where exactly does squid NOT support active mode, when it does support
it on client's side and on the server side when gatewaying FTP commands?

>>btw I suggest calling it "port" FTP mode instead of active
>active vs passive are well-known terms for how DATA connections in 
>FTP work (<http://slacksite.com/other/ftp.html> to pick the top 
>result in from Google claiming to be *the* definition of the terms). 
>AFAIK, the words come from RFC 959 itself:

ok, got it.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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