[squid-users] This list generates a forward loop ...

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Jul 20 11:05:21 UTC 2017

On 20/07/17 21:43, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 20.07.17 17:16, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> Your DKIM signature covers the Subject and To headers. Any normal 
>> mailing list will modify those,
> I disagree - IMHO sane listservers don't modify those headers.

Sadly, sane != normal. I'm referring to the common popular list servers. 
We have used several of them over the years.

>> so your server cannot do that on list postings. Content-Type is also 
>> changed sometimes by our listserver due to the list policy on binary 
>> attachments, I dont know whether that is a common practice too but I 
>> suspect it might be. The others should be fine AFAIK.
> This is a better example. However, mailserver supporting DKIM should strip
> the DKIM header if it's going to modify anything signed.
> Other solution is to refuse message (when the signer domain SKIM policy is
> signall).

<https://wiki.list.org/DEV/DKIM> and the discussions it links to explain 
the issues around DKIM in a fair bit of detail, including why even 
removal does not work.

(/me reading that page is brining on a greybeard moment. DKIM vs SPF was 
the hot topic when I switched from mail to proxy focused work. Heck, 10 
years of Squid).


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