[squid-users] This list generates a forward loop ...

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Jul 20 05:16:57 UTC 2017

Your DKIM signature covers the Subject and To headers. Any normal 
mailing list will modify those, so your server cannot do that on list 
postings. Content-Type is also changed sometimes by our listserver due 
to the list policy on binary attachments, I dont know whether that is a 
common practice too but I suspect it might be. The others should be fine 

 > DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;
 >   d=mathemainzel.info; s=dkim11;
 >   bh=I9buaZEqIEKxwYTujfGAfgA9MLZUQZwd6uzO8hXcwVY=;

On a side note:
  What I see in these headers is a fight going on between your 
mailserver sending crypto assertions and another list members server 
actually verifying them - which of course fail because Subject/To get 
changed by the list server, and the PGP signature is currently being 

The other members mailserver does something unusually nasty - it simply 
loops the message back at the list instead of bouncing with a proper 
error to you. And since your address is still the envelope sender our 
server rejects with that loop error bouncing back at you.

[yes I wish our sysadmin could stop that bouncing, but the tools seem to 
be limited].


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