[squid-users] Configuration for cache_peer doesn't work

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Jan 20 06:45:31 UTC 2017

On 20/01/2017 4:39 a.m., salil GK wrote:
> Hello
>   I am new to squid and I have a use case that I need to configure a
> forward proxy with squid. But there will be two squid servers chained to
> isolate the networks. So when client machine wanted to access some internet
> site, they will specify proxy as my first squid server. This proxy in turn
> will forward the packet to squid server 2 and from there traffic will be
> forwarded to origin server and response will come through the same path.

Okay. Reasonable.

> ~ # /usr/sbin/squid3 -N -Y -d 5 -f /tmp/minsquid.conf
> 2017/01/19 21:04:24| parse_peer: token='ssl'
> FATAL: Bungled minsquid.conf line 12: cache_peer parent 3223
> 0 no-query default ssl sslcert="/tmp/server_90.pem"
> sslkey="/tmp/privkey_90.pem"
> Squid Cache (Version 3.1.19): Terminated abnormally.

You appear to be using an extremely old verson of Squid. Is this the
Ubuntu Precise by chance?

The Debian/Ubuntu packages are not (for legal reasons) linked to
OpenSSL. So they cannot be configured with any TLS/SSL settings like this.

You will have to make a custom build of Squid.


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