[squid-users] Squid 3.5.23-1 is available for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (online repo ubuntu16.diladele.com)

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Jan 3 04:59:33 UTC 2017

On 2017-01-03 05:25, vinay wrote:
> Rafael,
> Am facing below 2 issues.
> 1.I am working on squid 3.3.8 on ubuntu 14.04 , I am trying to upgrade 
> the
> squid version to higher than the default one I.e higher than 3.4 
> version but
> am getting an error. "Unable to locate package libecap3" on giving 
> apt-get
> install libecap3 command. Any suggestions to upgrade the version ?

The eCAP package needs to be rebuilt from the libecap3 source package 
from Xenial.

Or just upgrade to Xenial.

> 2. In the existing version of squid 3.3.8 am getting the below lines in
> access logs
> "TCP_MISS/200" and it's not caching .
> Any suggestions on this to overcome the caching issue?

Can you provide some actual details about what you think the problem is?

There are things which are simply non-cacheable, and things which should 
never be cached, and things for which a cached response is not possible.


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