[squid-users] Your cache is running out of filedescriptors

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Aug 31 09:31:24 UTC 2017

On 31/08/17 19:26, Vieri wrote:
> I'd like to add a note to my previous message.
> I set the following values, and I'll see what happens:
> * hard nofile 65535
> * soft nofile 16384
> ("hard" being a top limit a non-root process cannot exceed)
> So I take it that Squid will start with a default of 16384, but will be able to increase up to 65535 if it needs to.

Squid starts with a fixed amount, either the limit you built it with or 
the max_filedescriptors config directive value. It will auto-shrink if 
those limits are too large for the system/ulimit settings, but will not 
auto-grow beyond.

> By the way, restarting squid from the same shell (ssh) does not apply the new values.
> I had to re-log into the system.
> There's probably a ulimit command line option to apply the values without logging out.

"ulimit -n ..." should do it.


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