[squid-users] Squid for proxy server on Google Compute Engine?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Sep 21 18:44:00 UTC 2016

On 21/09/2016 4:09 p.m., Chuong Hoang wrote:
> Hi guys, thanks for reading this! I’m new so sorry if this is a dumb
> question! But I've been finding the answer for 3 days but still no
> sign of light.
> I’ve already posted the problem on GCE discussion group- this link:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gce-discussion/xwlHYhFTUtU
> To make it clear, I also restate the problem here: Been working on
> this for 2 days and still cannot find the way out :(
> Below is my setup for testing, which basically supports all
> http_access through port 8888
> -squid.conf file:
> http_port 8888 http_access allow all -Open port 8888 for incoming
> HTTP data by gcloud command (which returned "allowed")

What other rules do you have in your squid.conf file?

How are these two lines placed in relation to all the others that should
be there? Order is important.

> gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-tcp --description
> "Incoming-http-allowed." --allow tcp:8888 --format json With the
> setup above, I can telnet to the IP with port 8888. However, when
> querying to some http links with browser (Safari/Chrome), I always
> get this message
> The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
> http://google.com/ <http://google.com/>
> Access Denied.
> Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed
> at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this
> is incorrect.
> Your cache administrator is webmaster. I also tried other ports
> (3128, 8000, 80) but no help I also tried to force the port to listen
> IPv4 addresses with something like http_port
> <> and still not working Someone please help me
> out of this mess :( Much appreciated!
> P/S: I connect to the squid proxy though my Macbook (OS Sierra) with
> Web Proxy (HTTP) enabled in Network Preferences.
> This is some logs from cache.log, which probably indicates that my
> conf file is fraud. client_side.cc(777) swanSong:
> local=10.xxx.0.2:8888 remote=113.xxx.xxx.113:54856 flags=1 -
> 10.xxx.0.2 is GCE's internal IP - 113.xxx.xxx.113 is my computer's
> external IP

The log line shows correct IPs for the client connection - remote being
the client IP and local the Squid machines IP.


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