[squid-users] Slowness in Squid

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Sun Oct 23 12:09:41 UTC 2016

>23.10.2016 17:40, Yuri Voinov пишет:
>> This effect is good known to all who have worked with relational
>> databases. In fact, it is typical in general for all caches except
>> purpose-built highly scalable systems.

>> 23.10.2016 17:37, Matus UHLAR - fantomas пишет:
>> > doesn't that imply kind of effectiveness?

On 23.10.16 17:53, Yuri Voinov wrote:
>In fact, the explanation is very simple. At some point soon will get the
>content from the disc using an index of any kind than consequentially
>and fully scan the giant structure in RAM.
>Performance indicator is expressed in the data access time. But this is
>from the category of personal experience. Everyone can choose their own
>road to hell. :)

saying this you could say that huge in-memory cache for OSes is useless....

iirc in some squid versions itwas caused by linear searching for memory

using indexes should speed up saerching and bigger probability to find and
higher probability to find object in memory could outweight searching time.

databases are much faster when using indexes properly, aren't they?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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