[squid-users] Objects in cache that are not found don't seem to be removed from the internal index

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sun Oct 2 08:00:24 UTC 2016

On 2/10/2016 8:29 p.m., Linda A. Walsh wrote:
> I noticed a message like this in my cache.log:
> 2016/09/30 18:50:27 kid1| DiskThreadsDiskFile::openDone: (2) No such
> file or directory
> 2016/09/30 18:50:27 kid1|     /var/cache/squid/1D/1C/0001D708
> Always wonder why, but barring that, I found multiple statements like that
> with the same file number.  I.e. after it has failed and knows it isn't
> in the
> cache -- why do I get more failures with it trying to fetch the same bad
> file?

Unknown without a detailed log trace containing the full Squid
operations between the recorded lines.

Probably multiple objects using the same filename. That might also
explain why it is disappearing too (one got deeted, other entris not
aware of that). Although the filename does not start with 1D1C**** which
I would expect to see there given the path.


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