[squid-users] TCP Outgoing Address ACL Problem

Garri Djavadyan garryd at comnet.uz
Fri Nov 11 18:26:53 UTC 2016

On 2016-11-11 21:51, jarrett+squid-users at jarrettgraham.com wrote:
> Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong in my config?
> Squid config:
> https://bpaste.net/show/796dda70860d
> I'm trying to use ACLs to direct incoming traffic on assigned ports to
> assigned outgoing addresses.  But, squid uses the first IP address
> assigned to the interface not listed in the config instead.
> IP/Ethernet Interface Assignment:
> https://bpaste.net/show/5cf068a4ce9a


Your ACLs ipv4-{1..10} are invalid, you combined ACL types 'myportname' 
and 'src' together. I believe you want:

acl ipv4-1 localport 3128
acl ipv4-2 localport 3129
acl ipv4-3 localport 3130
acl ipv4-4 localport 3131
acl ipv4-5 localport 3132
acl ipv4-6 localport 3133
acl ipv4-7 localport 3134
acl ipv4-8 localport 3135
acl ipv4-9 localport 3136
acl ipv4-10 localport 3137



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