[squid-users] Squid unable to send full PNG file

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue May 17 14:10:50 UTC 2016

On 17/05/2016 8:23 a.m., Aashima Madaan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PNG file uploaded on server.
> As part of Download process, it passes through SQUID to another server for
> scanning and then to Client .
> When I send request to Download , the response sends only 27kb of image
> back from server of of 700kb file
> But when I turn off the respmod in squid.conf file
> #adaptation_access service_resp allow all
> The client gets full file. This is happening only with PNG files. Did
> anyone encounter this kind of issue and has suggestions in this case?

Can you tell if Squid actually has more than 27KB of the object received
back from ICAP service?
 If now there is your answer, Squid cannot deliver more than it has.


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