[squid-users] not all lines of access.log contains the username

IT HIA service ssi at hopital-armees-brest.fr
Mon Mar 21 08:33:54 UTC 2016

Hi everybody,
We make authentification with ncsa (username and password). But in
access.log, we don't see on each line the username. The Ip adress of the
computer is present. But the username appears only with CONNECT ...:443.
For a GET, the username is not written. In this example, "dupont" is a
Is it possible to have the username present for each line in the file
access.log ?
Thanks for your help
1458317105.668    233 192.168.x.x  TCP_MISS/200 34859 CONNECT
static.xx.fbcdn.net:443 dupont DIRECT/ -
1458317105.788    322 192.168.x..x TCP_MISS/200 18150 GET
http://www.microsoft.com/favicon.ico - DIRECT/ image/x-icon
1458317104.468     43 192.168.x..x TCP_MISS/200 2089 GET
http://c.s-microsoft.com/fr-fr/CMSImages/yellow-arrow.png? -
DIRECT/ image/png
1458317104.476     51 192.168.x.x TCP_MISS/200 3662 GET
http://c.s-microsoft.com/fr-fr/CMSImages/Bing.png? - DIRECT/
1458317104.477    183 192.168.x.x TCP_MISS/302 606 GET
http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php? - DIRECT/ text/html
1458317104.482     55 192.168.x.x TCP_MISS/200 3672 GET
http://c.s-microsoft.com/fr-fr/CMSImages/windowsupdate.png? -
DIRECT/ image/png
1458317104.546    117 192.168.x.x TCP_MISS/200 4276 GET
http://c.s-microsoft.com/fr-fr/CMSImages/ie.png? - DIRECT/

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