[squid-users] how to fix proxy squid on virtualmin (ubuntu 16, 04)?

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Sun Jul 3 14:36:31 UTC 2016

On Sunday 03 July 2016 at 15:47:35, james82 wrote:

> what do you mean? don't you see i use ubuntu 16.04 desktop?

Yes, what difference does that make?

> i installed webmin and virtualmin for easy control to use. i use OS on
> virtualbox. then I install by "sudo apt-get install squid". that it.

Are you telling me that you did not modify the file squid.conf at all?

> Now what??

That file has errors in it (as your second screenshot displays clearly); these 
need correcting.  I believe I have given guidance on how to correct them.

Please see the questions in my previous email for information which we might 
find helpful to assist you in doing whatever it is you are trying to do.


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