[squid-users] ICAP and Allow 204 Header

Gilles Bardouillet gilles.bardouillet at atos.net
Thu Jan 28 16:46:46 UTC 2016

Sorry for the response form but I dont received the Alex email, so I 
tried below to recompose the thread discussion
> On 01/25/2016 10:28 AM, Gilles Bardouillet wrote:
> >/I'm using SQUID with CAS ICAP Server but I have one issue : />//>/* for some images, squid receive icap error as ICAP_ERR_OTHER /
> It may be useful to know more details about that ICAP error. What ICAP
> response, if any, does Squid receive when it generates ICAP_ERR_OTHER?
Here is some details from debug mode :

2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,5| ModXact.cc(653) parseMore: have 182 
bytes to parse [FD 32;Rr/w job924]
2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,5| ModXact.cc(654) parseMore:
ICAP/1.0 200 OK
X-Apparent-Data-Types: JPG
Service: CAS
Service-ID: avscanner
ISTag: "56680096"
Encapsulated: req-body=0
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 10:32:19 GMT

2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,5| ModXact.cc(749) parseHeaders: parse 
ICAP headers
2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,5| ModXact.cc(1079) parseHead: have 182 
head bytes to parse; state: 0
2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,5| ModXact.cc(1094) parseHead: parse 
success, consume 182 bytes, return true
2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,3| 
../../../src/base/AsyncJobCalls.h(177) dial: 
Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommRead threw exception: Invalid ICAP 
2015/12/09 11:32:11.786 kid3| 93,4| Xaction.cc(514) setOutcome: 

Do you need more ?
> >/* I noticed that for all these errors, Squid dont send the HTTP header />/Allows 204 /
> Allow:204 is not an HTTP header field. It is an ICAP header field.
> >/* I read the code and find the Allow 204 header _is only set when />/preview is enabled_. /
> Are you sure? Several factors affect ICAP Allow:204 request header
> presence. Preview availability should not be one of them because
> Allow:204 is about 204 responses _outside_ of Preview. See RFC 3507
> Section 4.6.
Right, preview is only used for Allow 204 In and not Out
My case is about Allow 204 out.

here is the source code from 3.5.13 fromModXact.cc:
const bool allow204in = preview.enabled(); // TODO: add shouldAllow204in()
const bool allow204out = state.allowedPostview204 = shouldAllow204();
else if (allow204out)
     allowHeader = "Allow: 204\r\n";
> >/My icap conf activated preview and preview size as follow : />/icap_preview_enable on />/icap_preview_size 1024 /
> IIRC, Squid ignores icap_preview_size in squid.conf (a bug). The ICAP
> service OPTIONS response determines the Preview size (subject to an
> internal limit of 64KB).
My ICAP server (CAS) dont send any Preview size in OPTIONS response :-(
> >/I read that the preview size value can be overwritten by OPTIONS />/requests, so can give me some details, hints in order to find why some />/pictures dont offer preview and then fails ? /
> See RFC 3507 Section 4.5 for details on how Preview is negotiated. If
> you think Squid violates the ICAP protocol, please file a bug report
> with the corresponding capture of ICAP messages (from and to Squid).
> As for ICAP 204 outside of Preview, I believe Squid can offer to support
> that ICAP response if all of the checks below are successful:
>    * the origin server OPTIONS response includes Allow:204;
>    * the message content length is known at the ICAP request time; and
>    * the message content length does not exceed 64KB.
Thanks, I will check theses things.
> If you prefer to analyze the code, see
> Adaptation::Icap::ModXact::shouldAllow204() and
> Adaptation::Icap::ModXact::canBackupEverything().
> HTH,
> Alex.

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