[squid-users] key-value pairs output from external helper

Sreenath BH bhsreenath at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 16:28:03 UTC 2016


I added code to set "tag" in acl helper, as follows:

print "OK tag=abcd\n"
and I was able to add a  url_rewrite_extras
as follows:

url_rewrite_extras "%et" and it was passed to the url rewriter.

So, I guess it is working.

thanks for the help

On 1/20/16, Alex Rousskov <rousskov at measurement-factory.com> wrote:
> On 01/20/2016 09:33 AM, Sreenath BH wrote:
>> Squid allows external acl helpers to write arbitrary key-value pairs
>> in its output.
>> Are these available for use by other modules of Squid?
> The answer depends on the helper: eCAP services and many helpers support
> admin-configurable metadata exchanges. Search squid.conf.documented for
> "_extras" and "adaptation_meta".
>> Specifically, can these be accessed by URL rewriter helper.
> Yes. See url_rewrite_extras.
>> If we set clt_conn_tag to some string in external ACL helper, can this
>> be picked up by the external url rewriter?
> Yes, that should work in Squid v3.5 or later. If it does not, it is
> probably a bug.
> HTH,
> Alex.

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