[squid-users] Delay Pools or Traffic Shaping per port?!

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Sun Jan 3 00:14:26 UTC 2016

On Sunday 03 January 2016 at 00:46:39, Christian Kunkel wrote:

> Hey guys,
> is there any way i can do some traffic shaping with squid?

Yes, but it's nowhere near as good as doing it with IP tools on the underlying 

> Its a bit complicated in my case. I can not shape through user ip because
> squid is not running on a local network.

So, tell us where it is running, then...

> I've been thinking to create a multiple ports with squid and limit the
> ports. How can i do that?

No idea, without knowing where you're starting from.

> Or is there a better way?

Almost certainly.

Explain, in as much detail as you can:

 - what your networking setup is
 - which version of Squid you are using
 - which Operating System (and version) you are running it under
 - what you want to achieve by "shaping"

The more information you give us, the more we might be able to help you.



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