[squid-users] Squid in Air Planes WiFi system, how should it be used?

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Tue Aug 16 13:08:57 UTC 2016

Hey Bruno,

Sorry it took me so long to respond.
How high am I? Depends when on the day you catch me.
If I installed couple CentOS and Ubuntu servers I am probably on 1000%++ High.

All The Bests,

Eliezer Croitoru
Linux System Administrator
Mobile: +972-5-28704261
Email: eliezer at ngtech.co.il

-----Original Message-----
From: squid-users [mailto:squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org] On Behalf Of Bruno de Paula Larini
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:17 PM
To: squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid in Air Planes WiFi system, how should it be used?

Em 23/06/2016 10:22, Eliezer Croitoru escreveu:
> Since Internet is starting to flow into the "Flying ships" industry I 
> started to wonder what are the limits?
> In the air the network connections are very low quality despite to the 
> fact that they can transfer lots of data.
> So the OS will probably handle all the lower network issues and will 
> leave to the proxy software all the fun stuff.
> The basic services on a Flying WiFi network would be:
> -	FW + NAT
> -	DNS proxy + local
> -	DHCP
> -	Authorization and Authentication services(Radius, token based\OTP),
> I don't expect any form of AD or LDAP based.
> -	Internet Service Payments portal (maybe can be used as an
> alternative or extension to pre-paid tickets)
> -	VOD
> -	Digital Book Shelf
> -	VOIP services
> -	And probably couple other services which many require
> Then I asked myself: What squid can offer for this system? Where squid 
> can be plugged inside this list of services?
> >From where is see it, the proxy can take over the application stack 
> >from the
> client to the server.
> Since the OS will be designed to handle the network level issue(both 
> fabric and protocol) it will simplify for the clients the need to 
> overcome network level issues.
> The clients will need to just be clients using  WiFi(leaving aside the 
> 700KMPH radio\physics layer).
> The flight will be much nicer from the technology perspective of it.
> I do however think that one of the main issues with so many 
> technological "comforts" would be the human to human in-flight relationship.
> Two examples to special scenarios I know from the Anime world are:
> -	Accel World
> -	Ghost In The Shell
> Which gives an image of a world which humans are bypassing the real 
> world for the favor of a Virtual world.
> What do you think?
> Eliezer
> Links:
> -	http://myanimelist.net/anime/11759/Accel_World
> -	http://myanimelist.net/anime/43/Ghost_in_the_Shell
I'm sorry to post unrelated comments on the list but... How high are you? Pun intended.
It is something I'm missing?
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