[squid-users] Sanitised websites

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Wed Sep 23 08:22:12 UTC 2015

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On Tuesday 22 September 2015 at 11:38:26, Mumin Coder wrote:

> I need database to store sanitized websites (cleaned from javascript
> malicious parts). If CRC changes webpage should be resanitized, otherwise
> serve proxy version of the website.

It looks like you need http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/ContentAdaptation

That will allow you to modify outbound requests and/or inbound responses.  
Squid itself will look after serving the correct (cached or fresh) version, 
although I don't think you'll find the term "CRC" used for this any more :)

Note that one of the quoted use cases is "Modify a page to remove existing 
content (e.g., images or ads)", which sounds like what you need to do.



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