[squid-users] Strange Interaction between Squid and Facebook

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Fri Oct 30 03:36:47 UTC 2015

On 30/10/2015 05:24, Patrick Blair - Peapod wrote:
> Hi Eliezer,
> Thanks for your response.
> I have set up a VM to test out configurations in the same data center and
> address space as the problematic one.
> What I haven't done is test it by rebuilding the squid configuration from
> the defaults up and trying to use the same IP, that will probably be what
> I'll try tomorrow.
First try to test it with default squid.conf and only adding to the 
localnet the local networks address space\subnet on the current proxy.

> Also, thanks for the tip on the CARP example. I was trying to find a
> configuration that took advantage of SMP, but I see how that complicates
> things further.
SMP can work without any relation to the CARP example.
It is limited to rock cache_dir and ram cache.
I would start with a RAM cache only and a number of workers.
The number of workers you will be required to use depends on your 
network load.
You can try with 2 workers and use the squid cache manager interface to 
see if you have high requests per second rate per worker.
If you need some hints on that I will try to find the exact values in 
the cache manager interface.

> Thanks so much for the suggestions! I'll update this thread further if
> things start working a bit better.

> And thank you again for packaging newer squid versions for CentOS!

Appreciated, I am trying my best with my limited resources.


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