[squid-users] Replacing Microsoft TMG by Squid.

Eliezer Croitoru eliezer at ngtech.co.il
Mon Oct 19 17:16:59 UTC 2015

Hey Sebastien,

The link is from 2012 which means that some changes were done to squid 
since then.
But leaving the names of the binaries aside it should work almost the same.
Still the question I have asked about the LDAP and AD is pretty important.
It will be much different to setup the LDAP to work with AD rather then 
using a simple openLDAP directory.

Also it depends on what you do have there.

I had the chance to work with openLDAP but not with AD, I have tried but 
was unsuccessful making it work with a 2008+ AD.


On 19/10/2015 19:03, Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca wrote:
> I found this link but I don't know if this link is up to date...
> http://linuxconfig.net/manual-howto/squid-and-ldap-authentication-from-active-directory.html
> I checked and I already have the openldap-devel depencies installed on my OS.
> Thanks for your help!;)
> Sébastien Boulianne

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