[squid-users] icap SOPHOS SAVDI and custom errorpage

David Webb d.webb at mdx.ac.uk
Tue Nov 10 16:05:17 UTC 2015

I've setup

squid -v
Squid Cache: Version 3.3.8

on RHEL 7.1

and have configured things so that  virus scanning with  Sophos' SAVDI 
works and can get to a custom error page however I can't seem to find 
anyway of getting the name of the detected virus passed across to the  
custom error page and displayed.

The appropriate part of my squid.conf  is

acl http_status_403 http_status 403
acl virus_found rep_header X-Blocked  -i \Virus found during virus scan\.
icap_enable on
adaptation_access  sophosicap  allow all
icap_service  sophosicap  respmod_precache icap://
http_reply_access deny http_status_403 virus_found
deny_info ERR_MDX_VIRUS_FOUND  virus_found

(I'm not sure if this is the best way of doing things but it was the 
only way I could find which worked.
The deny_info documentation 
seemed to suggest that I could use the servicename sophosicap


The acl is typically the last acl on the http_access deny line which
	denied access. The exceptions to this rule are:
	- When Squid needs to request authentication credentials. It's then
	  the first authentication related acl encountered
	- When none of the http_access lines matches. It's then the last
	  acl processed on the last http_access line.
	- When the decision to deny access was made by an adaptation service,
	  the acl name is the corresponding eCAP or ICAP service_name.


but I couldn't work out how to get this to work.


As I said though none of the custom errorpage variables from
seem to get back the virus name from SAVDI.

The only place I have found the virus name reported is in the icap_log I 
setup  -
with format :

logformat icap_squid2 %ts.%03tu %6icap::tr %>a %icap::to/%03icap::Hs 
%icap::<st  %icap::rm %icap::ru %un -/%icap::<A - %icap::<h

1447168691.715     15 ICAP_MOD/200 703 RESPMOD 
icap:// - -/ - 

Is there anyway of getting this reported virusname (Virus-ID)  into the 
custom error page ?
Has anyone else got SAVDI working with Squid icap ?



David Webb  (CISSP-ISSAP)
Information Systems Security Architecture Professional
IT Security team leader
Middlesex University


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