[squid-users] Geolocation Vs Squid

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed May 6 13:09:00 UTC 2015

On 7/05/2015 12:57 a.m., Rodrigo Lopes Mauricio wrote:
> Hi Antony. Thanks for your answer.
> The public IP is the same with or without squid.
> This is the site in question:
> http://minhaclaro.claro.com.br
> I can access this one without proxy only.
> When I go via proxy, nothing is loaded, just blank page.

It sounds like they are maybe using extra HTTP level checks to identify
a proxy and assuming the IP is faked. A lot of people do that to get
around the breakage caused by sites assuming they can know the
geo-location of people.

If you have a recent Squid try these two options. Try them individually
to see if you can get away with only using one:

  forwarded_for transparent
  via off

PS. if your Squid does not accept that "transparent" parameter, please
upgrade. It may be that an upgrade would solve the problems anyway.


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