[squid-users] Fwd: squid intercept config

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Fri Mar 6 13:14:03 UTC 2015

On Friday 06 March 2015 at 14:03:28 (EU time), Monah Baki wrote:

> Hi All,
> As an addition to my yesterday's issue,
> Tail -f cache.log, I am getting the following:
> 015/03/06 13:54:02| WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for:

> Any ideas?

Is your NAT rule catching the HTTP requests from the proxy itself (as well as 
the requests from the clients) and sending *everything* to the proxy 
(including the requests the proxy is trying to make out to the Internet)?

I'm not an expert on Cisco or BSD, but it does strike me that your rule:

rdr pass inet proto tcp from to any port 80 -> port 3129

looks like it will match requests from the proxy's address as well 
as all the clients...

Try adding an exception in before the NAT rule, saying "traffic from 
should not be NATted".



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