[squid-users] tos miss-mask not working at all squid 3.5.5

Leonardo Rodrigues leolistas at solutti.com.br
Tue Jun 23 00:50:06 UTC 2015

Em 22/06/15 17:11, mohammad escreveu:
> why is no-one answering this ?!!
> BTW, i tried the kernel patch 2.6.35 from ZPH, it worked intermittently, and
> stopped working after a squid re-build.
> any help is appreciated

     This list is community-based, there's no guarantee someone will 
answer and be able to help you. Everybody does its best, but there's no 
guarantee at all.

     If you really need someone to help solving your problems, there's 
lots of companies/partners that can offer commercial support on squid:



	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
	gertrudes at solutti.com.br
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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