[squid-users] TCP_MISS/403 353 HEAD text/plain Error help !!

snakeeyes ahmed.zaeem at netstream.ps
Thu Jun 11 02:50:56 UTC 2015

Amos , it worked great from other paid proxy 
Can you help plz ?

I used proxy

And it worked !!

Can you assit me plz ?

Subject: RE: [squid-users] TCP_MISS/403 353 HEAD text/plain Error help !!

Hi Amos thanks for explanation

But the issue is it works fine from other paid proxies .

Again , the app is a link converter and it connect to proxy I will give u sample how app works :

It request link as below:

so the xxx:yyyy is the proxy ip:port

again 	Amos , since its outside squid and it works on other proxies , do u think we can do anything on our squid ?

any other ideas??


-----Original Message-----
From: Amos Jeffries [mailto:squid3 at treenet.co.nz]
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 1:31 AM
To: snakeeyes; squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] TCP_MISS/403 353 HEAD text/plain Error help !!

On 8/06/2015 5:36 a.m., snakeeyes wrote:
> Hi Amos thank you so much
> Again , this App IS REMOTE and as a black box .
> It works 100  % on other proxies but I need to let it work on my own proxy.
> Now what I did is :
> I added 2  directives to my squid.conf :
> strip_query_terms off
> debug_options 11,2 28,3
> then restarted squid and monitored the logs .
> again I have 2 files monitored when it worked and when it failed.
> But the strange that the problem is it work on some youtube vidoes and 
> don’t work on the others
> those files were just as an example :
> file 1 didn’t work and give error 403 ===> 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYSVMgRr6pw
> and other file worked ===>
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0g9_osImd0
> now I will test the app with those links , note that that 1sst line will fail and  the 2nd Link will success.
> I had graped the log files andf attached them because they are big 
> Name for failed file is =>debug_failed.txt Name for succeded file 
> ==>debug_worked.txt
> Thanks a lot
> cheers

Your Squid is letting all of both types of traffic through, and it appears not to be caching the results.

That is good in a way. It means the problem is clearly something between the browser and Google servers, not Squid.

I can see several differences between the client requests. The working ones have a line or so more query parameters than the forbidden ones.
They are also consistently going to a different server (working *.12 , failing *.14).


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