[squid-users] squidGuard configuration test - echo test

Jose Julian Buda jbuda at noticiasargentinas.com
Sun Jun 7 10:57:22 UTC 2015

Hi, i have installed squidGuard 1.5 on Debian Jessie and i need an user 
based filter, made the src/dest/acl setting and then test with :

echo "http://www.testsite.com someuserfromauth GET" | 
squidGuard -d

2015-06-07 00:08:44 [3359] INFO: squidGuard 1.5 started 
2015-06-07 00:08:44 [3359] INFO: squidGuard ready for requests 
2015-06-07 00:08:44 [3359] INFO: squidGuard stopped (1433646524.287)

this "someuserfromauth" is supposed to "pass" the filter and get the 

My question is what mean the "ERR" line?

In the squid.conf said that the result field "ERR" from 
url_rewrite_program mean "Do not change the url"
, so it is that what it mean? or it should be "OK" ?

on some mailing list answers said that this lines shoulbe empty for 
passing request.

is it ok with ERR on this line?

There is no way to test with a browser, it is a remote(ssh) 
configuration and i need it on production by monday.

Thank you in advance


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