[squid-users] Difference between Squid 3.1 & 3.4 regarding HTTPS CONNECT handling

Andrew Wood andrew at perpetualmotion.co.uk
Thu Jul 9 13:05:09 UTC 2015

Ive had Squid 3.1 running on a Debian 7 server for a couple of years 
working in intercept mode for HTTP traffic and using WPAD to force HTTPS 
to be CONNECT tunneled through Squid and it works fine.

Im now trying to set up a similar system for someone else using Squid 
3.4 which is the version in Debian 8. Everything is configured 
identically between the two as I copied the iptables rule file and the 
squid.conf file over, the only thing changed was the IP address ranges 
for the LAN

HTTP intercept is working OK but HTTPS connect requests are being 
refused. Despite the fact that the WPAD file had been updated with the 
new IP address and is being served correctly from lighttpd.

I can only conclude therefore that there is some difference between 
Squid 3.1 and 3.4 which means it no longer likes my configuration.

Below is the Squid.conf file

VLAN1 is the staff LAN with IP addresses 192.168.10 and VLAN2 is the 
public Wifi LAN with IP addresses 192.168.100

Is there anything here in the squid file which Im doing wrong?

Many thanks


#set which port to accept clients on & which interfaces to accept clients on
http_port intercept
http_port intercept

#set delay pool to do bandwidth throttling on VLAN2
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 250000/500000 125000/500000

acl AllUsers src all
acl ToSentryBoxVL1 dstdom_regex ^$
acl ToWPADServer dstdom_regex ^wpad.commsmuseum.local$
acl ToPublicWiFiGateway dstdom_regex ^$
acl PublicWiFiLAN src
acl PrivateLAN src
acl DestinedForPrivateLAN dst
acl DestinedForPublicWiFiLAN dst
acl ProhibitedSitesDomains dstdomain "/var/squidblacklist.org/domains.squid"
acl IPAddressForHostname dstdom_regex ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$
acl SafePorts port 80 443
acl SSLPorts port 443

#block users tunneling
http_access deny CONNECT !SSLPorts

#disable caching
cache deny all

#add VLAN2 to delay pool 1
delay_access 1 allow PublicWiFiLAN

#force traffic coming in on VLAN2 to go out on VLAN2
tcp_outgoing_address PublicWiFiLAN
tcp_outgoing_address PrivateLAN

#block traffic between VLAN1 & VLAN2
#iptables does this for everything EXCEPT stuff coming through Squid
#because iptables sees stuff coming out of squid as originating from the 
#hence iptables FORWARD rules dont apply
http_access deny PublicWiFiLAN DestinedForPrivateLAN
http_access deny PrivateLAN DestinedForPublicWiFiLAN

#show splash screen to new users on public wifi to show t&c etc
#pass session length as arg to perl script cache +ve & -ve responses for 
0 secs so
#perl script is always called. Script is responsible for deciding how 
long a session is valid for
#%SRC passes client ip on stdin
external_acl_type currentsessiontype ttl=60 negative_ttl=0 %SRC 
acl currentsession external currentsessiontype

#will stop on first of these which matches so watch order!
http_access deny ProhibitedSitesDomains
http_access allow ToPublicWiFiGateway
http_access allow ToSentryBoxVL1
http_access allow ToWPADServer
http_access deny CONNECT PublicWiFiLAN !currentsession
http_access deny PublicWiFiLAN !currentsession
http_access deny IPAddressForHostname
http_access deny !SafePorts
http_access allow PrivateLAN
http_access allow PublicWiFiLAN
http_access deny AllUsers

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