[squid-users] how to obtain info about actual active downloads?

Chris Bennett chris at ceegeebee.com
Fri Jan 9 04:00:30 UTC 2015

Hi Rafael,

> If you'd dump your mindset on how you'd like to see it ideally I
> could take a look in qlproxy 4.2 when we redesign our reports
> subsystem.  Milestone is -
> https://github.com/ra-at-diladele-com/qlproxy_external/milestones/4.2

sqtop shows active sessions through the proxy per client, along with a
report of current and average throughput per client.  That is really
useful for knowing what's consuming data *right now* compared to any
historical report, since historical reports usually only acocunt for
data when a connection has ended.



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