[squid-users] Is Squid can shutdown unused idle redirector's children?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Feb 13 00:34:00 UTC 2015

Hash: SHA1

On 13/02/2015 8:54 a.m., Yuri Voinov wrote:
> So simple.
> I want to see only one additional parameter.
> idle_timeout.
> When I specify it to 0 - by default - all started rewriter
> processess remains after user requests,
> but! it I specify it over 0 in seconds - all idle rewriters after 
> timeout must dies to achieve idle= value.
> Logically, isn't it? This permits me to design, how cache will
> works with user's sessions. And, moreover, in other software
> products such behavior with shared processes is the default. I.e -
> Oracle shared server. Apache WEB server in some configurations. And
> others.

Your examples are software which spawns a whole worker process for
each user transaction, executes that one transaction then tears down
the whole worker process.

Apache is a good example, we had some of their devs coming to us a few
years ago asking for explanations about how Squid manages to process
some of the I/O stuff asynchronously as they are/were moving Apache to
something like *our* process model for performance reasons.

> Otherwise idle= parameter for children just do not make sense.
> SQUID decides for me, it's better for my system. I want to have
> better control over rewriter's children and memory consumption.
> Did you agree?

Why would anyone agree with someone who does not understand the
current behaviour and repeatedly insults it due to their own lack of

You already rejected the ufdbGuard suggestion which offers you better
memory operations, peformance, and Squid integration.

If you know perl I suggest taking the helper-mux tool
(tools/helper-mux/ in the sources) and adjusting it to do the timeout
management. That will gain you three major benefits in one go:
 1) concurrency
 2) smaller virtual memory overheads
 3) the helper fine tuning

Alternatively you can pay for a patch to be written into Squid adding
the automatic closure. I would be happy to take on that contract.

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